Postcode Polygons from OpenStreetMap

For various applications, not limited to logistics and sales, postal codes play an import role. If GIS applications use postal codes and a map of them is needed, postal code polygons are required.

By default, OpenStreetMap does not record information which is not verifiable on the ground. However, the OpenStreetMap community makes an excemption for postal code polygons in some countries.

Countries with Postcode Polygon Coverage

Postal code polygons are available with full or almost full coverage in the following countries only:

File Formats

Postcode polygons are available in the following formats:

We are happy to offer exports in other formats as well.

Quotes and Ordering

Geofabrik vector data exports are not mass-produced by some self-service machine. We create them from current data according to your request, we do an error check, and of course we're there for you if you have questions or problems after delivery. You decide what you need:

Geofabrik will charge a previously agreed fixed price for these services based on the amount of work involved. Please request a quotation if you are interested!

Our rates are handling charges and not license fees – OpenStreetMap data is licensed under ODbL 1.0 which means that you can use it unrestricted, without having to pay a license fee.